WTN News, September 1, 2023 WTN News, September 1, 2023 Weekly School News Show Transcript good morning and welcome back to wten news in my name is Sanaya here I'm coming days were announced this week in Lucaya Pickens are Hannah Carpenter analysis are the check out this weekend's weather today the high will be 87 with scattered thunderstorms developing late in the day 60% chance of rain in the afternoon Sunday's high will be 87 with partly cloudy skies a stray shower or thunderstorms possible throughout the day shopping list t-shirts and sweatshirts on October 7th $150 13th and they have eight cards available for the first eight teams that need a car for $20 they're looking for sponsors for each hole the cost of sponsor a whole is $100 contact for Austin quickly and Andrew Riley for more information the Wyatt and Angelisa for this works football play their first home game tonight versus Richland at 7:30 come out not only the football team cross-country running last Saturday connect me is on Saturday September 9th at 8 a.m. final play last Thursday at 7:15 in the Fifth Fifth Tuesday in straight sets the city on fire the volleyball team even chose a student of the game before is football player Josh Miller noxapater game number 22 yards with 150 yards and a touchdown he also let us on defense with five tackles did a great job and played the whole game for us order form for sent home last week and if you have any questions the high school office September 15th great tiger how big is 17 cm Miss Gibson to sign up our bus driver of the month for August and Miss Shirley she has jumped in with both feet and truly enjoys driving the bus congratulations mr. Lee a little darker why shouldn't you write with a broken pencil because it's pointless what why do oranges wear sunscreen so they don't peel and whether you like them or not they will have French bread pizza bacon cheeseburger potato wedges tossed salad oatmeal raisin cookie Tuesday we will have chicken spaghetti garlic toast a hamburger Wednesday we will have pulled pork nachos American Subs chef salad mix baby broccoli and a fruit cup Thursday we will have cheeseburger pie buffalo chicken bites garlic toast potato wedges raw veggies that's all we have for today steak Laffy Taffy Published September 1, 2023 Print